Artificial Intelligence or Assistant Technology? Rethinking AI for the Betterment of Humanity

Artificial Intelligence or Assistant Technology? Rethinking AI for the Betterment of Humanity

Executive Summary:

This article debates the rebranding of artificial intelligence (AI) to “Assistant Technology,” suggesting that this term better captures AI’s role as a supportive tool rather than an autonomous force. It discusses the implications of this shift for ethical AI development and the importance of human-centric design in integrating AI into society beneficially.

Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence – Highlights ethical issues and the need for integrated ethical considerations in AI design, stressing the importance of human oversight in its applications. Read more.

Artificial Intelligence or Assistant Technology? – Suggests renaming AI to emphasize its role in enhancing rather than replacing human intelligence, advocating for a shift in public perception and usage. Read more.

Human-Centric AI Design – Discusses the shift towards human-centric AI design, emphasizing alignment with human values and societal needs, and detailing successful applications. Read more.





Artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly shapes our daily lives and business operations, prompting a reconsideration of its role and implications for humanity. In light of AI’s unpredictable nature and the urgent need to address its biases and risks, there is a growing conversation about how we frame and utilize this technology. Despite the economic benefits driven by technological advancements, there remains a significant oversight gap: only 21% of organizations using generative AI have established policies to manage their risks. Werner Schuenemann, Founder at Xandance & Partners, voiced a compelling argument at a recent Global Investment Leaders Club (G.I.L.C.) gathering. He questioned the traditional label of AI, proposing “Assistant Technology” as a more fitting description to emphasize its role as a supportive tool rather than an autonomous entity. “Artificial intelligence? A more proper title would be assistant technology. This technology, valuable and impactful, should be taken with a grain of salt,” Werner remarked. His perspective highlights the need for cautious optimism and stringent oversight as we integrate AI more deeply into our societal frameworks.

“My time with the G.I.L.C. has been nothing short of fantastic, the Club’s inclusive environment fosters both professional growth and personal connections, making every session a unique and enjoyable experience.

– Werner Schuenemann, Founder at Xandance & Partners, Switzerland

1 – Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence

As artificial intelligence (AI) permeates various sectors, it brings to light pressing ethical concerns, particularly around accountability. One notable issue is AI’s influence on human decision-making, which introduces the concept of ‘digital normativity’—where algorithms establish standards that individuals might passively accept. This risks diminishing critical thinking and personal agency. To counteract this, it’s crucial that ethical considerations are integrated from the design phase of AI systems, incorporating diverse philosophical and ethical perspectives to ensure that human values remain at the forefront of technology development.

The absence of comprehensive legal frameworks further complicates the ethical use of AI. Yash Poddar, founder at a Stealth Startup, remarks on this regulatory vacuum during a G.I.L.C gathering: “Currently, there are no legal consequences tied directly to AI deployment. However, we are at a juncture where regulations are being crafted to determine how AI will integrate into our data ecosystems.” This highlights the nascent but growing efforts to craft laws that can guide responsible AI integration into societal frameworks. Moreover, the importance of human oversight cannot be overstated. As Marta Albert, Principal at QG Family Office, also points out, “AI applications, like drones, must not operate autonomously without human rational oversight and critical thinking.” This assertion emphasizes the essential role of human judgment in guiding AI applications, ensuring that these technologies augment rather than replace human intellect and decision-making capabilities. These discussions illustrate that while AI can bring significant benefits to various domains, there is a fundamental need to address its ethical deployment and ensure it enhances rather than undermines human capabilities, balancing technological advances with ethical integrity.

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– Jawad Wehbi, Founder & CEO of AJ Middle East Management Consulting, UAE

2 – Artificial Intelligence or Assistant Technology?

The term “Artificial Intelligence” often conjures images of machines capable of mimicking human intelligence, yet leading voices in the tech industry propose a significant shift. They suggest rebranding AI to “Assistant Technology” or “Intelligence Amplification (IA)” to more accurately reflect its role as a supportive enhancer rather than an autonomous entity. Andrej Karpathy, a prominent developer at Tesla, advocates for this change, arguing that the term “Intelligence Amplification” more aptly describes AI’s function: enhancing human intelligence and capabilities rather than attempting to replicate them. This terminology aims to reset expectations and focus on AI as a tool that complements and extends human abilities.

Echoing this sentiment, Marta Albert, Principal at QG Family Office, stresses the importance of prudent application: “Artificial intelligence is indeed groundbreaking technology, but it must be utilized with ample common sense and an acknowledgment that humans are the ultimate decision-makers.” Her remarks highlight the necessity for AI to operate under human oversight, ensuring it remains a beneficial adjunct to human activity. By reframing AI as “Assistant Technology” or “IA,” the field can shift towards a more ethical and practical approach in technology deployment, emphasizing enhancement over replacement and fostering a healthier integration of AI into society. This rebranding could redefine how AI is perceived and used across various sectors, encouraging a more responsible and human-centric development of technology.

For a significant period now, I have been a dedicated member of the Club, a journey that has been both enlightening and enjoyable. What makes the Club particularly captivating for me are the gatherings we have. They serve as a fantastic platform not only to meet fellow investors and create long-lasting, meaningful connections but also to gain insightful knowledge about the global investment landscape.

– Nagaraja Prakasam, Partner at Acumen Fund, India

3 – Human-Centric AI Design

As artificial intelligence integrates more deeply into various sectors, the emphasis on human-centric design is becoming paramount. The Stanford AI Index Report highlights a growing commitment within the industry to cultivate responsible AI practices. This includes improving transparency, security and fairness and actively working to minimize biases in AI applications. The shift towards evaluating AI systems with human-centered benchmarks is particularly noteworthy, as it aims to better align technological advancements with public perceptions and societal values. In real-world applications, companies are already seeing the benefits of this approach. For instance, IBM has leveraged AI in fashion to precisely analyze trends and customer preferences, enabling designers to craft collections that resonate more deeply with consumers. Similarly, Google and Spotify have harnessed AI to personalize user experiences, from accurately tagging photos to curating music playlists that reflect individual tastes.

Many investors are also voicing strong opinions on the trajectory of AI development. Werner Schuenemann, founder at Xandance & Partners, emphasizes the importance of preserving the human element in technology during a debate at a recent Global Investment Leaders Club gathering: “Intelligence is the most significant achievement of mankind and should never be artificial.” This sentiment highlights the necessity of AI serving as an augment to human intellect rather than a replacement. On a cautious note, Yash Poddar, founder at a Stealth Startup, also points out the current shortcomings in legal frameworks for AI, suggesting that many new AI implementations lack substantial legal grounding, which underscores the need for robust ethical guidelines in AI development. These perspectives underscore the crucial role of human oversight in AI development and the ongoing need to ensure that AI systems enhance rather than supplant human capabilities. By prioritizing ethical considerations and focusing on human needs, AI can be developed to genuinely benefit society, fostering a tech landscape that enhances and extends human ingenuity and creativity.

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My experience with the Club has been nothing short of positive, filled with eye-opening discussions and the chance to meet amazing individuals. It’s a global forum that provides insight into investment opportunities worldwide, facilitating engaging conversations and new connections at every session.

– Mohammad Salem, Founder at Salem Group, UAE


The potential for AI to contribute positively to society is substantial, especially when it is framed and implemented as “Assistant Technology.” This perspective not only clarifies AI’s role as a supportive tool but also emphasizes its capacity to enhance human abilities rather than replace them. The transformation of AI into a beneficial force depends significantly on the continuous evolution of dialogue and the development of thoughtful legislation. These efforts will guide AI’s integration into societal frameworks, ensuring that its deployment is aligned with ethical standards and public welfare. The path forward for AI should involve an inclusive approach, incorporating diverse perspectives to navigate its complexities and harness its capabilities responsibly. By fostering an ongoing dialogue and shaping robust legal frameworks, we can secure AI’s role as a positive and transformative technology in society. For a deeper understanding of this and many other crucial topics in the investment world, be sure to register for one of the G.I.L.C. future gatherings here.