On October 6, 2022, investment leaders will turn their attention to solving food security crises and responsible investment in sustainable agriculture. This pivotal event is organised by the Global Investment Leaders Club and aims to deploy short- and long-term responses to boost food and nutrition security, reduce risks and strengthen food systems. During the Forum’s panel discussion investors will discuss how to invest in agriculture so it becomes more sustainable, produces more food at affordable prices and at a better quality, protects the environment and brings bigger investment returns.
Collaboration and partnerships among the key players in agriculture can lead to the tangible steps to address the impact head-on. Join us to discuss investment in research and development projects, building of climate resilience into agriculture, carbon-smart solutions, biological alternatives to artificial fertilisers, support of governmental initiatives and programmes and innovative food solutions.
The Forum features a presentation session designed for investors and industry leaders to learn about the most innovative and promising agriculture and food oriented projects. Interested in getting in front of the investor community?