Anthony Jarrin
President & CEO at The Cannaregio Group (US)
My name is Tony Jarrin, and I am the head of the Canaregio Group (US). We are a Real Estate holding in the hotel and hospitality sector, we’ve been diversifying in the last few years, specifically the couple of years before the pandemic, to telecom, financial services and other industries. Of course, we are still battling through the challenges that came to all of us in one way or another through the pandemic. I’m very honored to be a part of this group, and I appreciate the invitation that was made a little over a year ago. Actually, the first invitation was 2 years ago, but because of personal reasons I was only able to join a little over a year ago, and it’s been an amazing Club to be a part of. I met many new friends and great professionals. Everyone is a leader in their industry, a decision maker, has access to great networks, is really able to share connections and ideas and learn from everyone in different industries. I learnt about some sectors that I hadn’t even considered in the past, which is one of the benefits of these weekly Club meetings that we get to have and engage with. I am also able to understand what is going in other parts of the world that we’re involved in. I think it’s a tremendous concept and I can tell all people who are new to this Club: “You’re going to love to be a part of this group and meet new people and engage in different opportunities together!”